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8 - 14 years old

We provide FREE assessment!
If your child has prior Mindstorms robotics experience & is interested in continuing his/her robotics journey with us, we can arrange a free assessment to enable us to recommend a suitable level for him/her.

As a child begins to mature in his cognitive process (thinking, knowing, remembering, judging, and problem-solving), Mindstorms EV3 robotics is an excellent tool to develop this ability through experiential learning of robotics.  As Mindstorms EV3 is able to provide both depth and width of learning in sync with the student’s level of proficiency, students will be able to create a diverse range of robots of varying degree of complexity to carry out single or multiple tasks.


In our Mindstorms ‘Continue Missions’ program, there are:

  • No step-by-step robot building instructions to follow

  • No available coding samples to download


This is where the real learning begins!  The students will attain an understanding on the fundamental concepts through hands-on experiential learning.  They will apply the concepts learnt in the Basic programs and by analysing the mission(s) objective and then map-out a pragmatic strategy to design, construct and code their robot to achieve the specific objective(s) successfully.


Each class accommodates up to a maximum of 4 students and each student will be equipped with a LEGO Education Mindstorms EV3 core set #45544 and a laptop or tablet for Mindstorms programming to maximise their learning.

Mindstorms Basic

Students who are 8 years old and older are suitable
to enrol into our EV3 Basic program which
comprises of two segments:
Basic Movement and Sensors.

 Basic Movement 

1 hour 45min 
2 Lessons

In our Mindstorms EV3 Basic Movement program, the lesson’s objectives are:

To understand the respective coding functions for motor movements;

  • To be able to obtain the required parameter(s) to move & stop the robot with precision. This entails the understanding and application of decimal numbers and some arithmetic operations to obtain the parameter for the coding;

  • To be able to code the robot to make the two types of turns and to understand when to apply which type of turn for the condition.


1 hour 45min 
2 Lessons

In our Mindstorms Basic Sensors program, the lesson’s objectives are:

  • To understand the characteristics of the four respective sensors (Touch, Gyro, Color, Ultrasonic) and their coding functions;

  • To understand & apply some arithmetic symbols to set-up condition(s) in some advanced coding to enable the sensor(s) to perform specific tasks; 

*Certificate of completion of the basic program will be issued to the student who has completed both segments

(movement and sensors) and are able to apply the concepts satisfactorily to overcome the given challenges.

EV3 Charlie Mike

 Continue Mission 

1 hour 45min
Estimated 40 lessons per format

As students progress in this program, they will begin to develop and strengthen their analytical & computation thinking capabilities through attempting the missions. The way they ‘see’ their approach to accomplish the missions successfully, shape their design, build and code their robot, depends on their analysis. Our teachers will coach and offer a framework to the students to enable them to evaluate and map out an effective approach.


Additionally, the students will learn and apply techniques that encompass inter-disciplinary concepts to accomplish their missions successfully. This entire process is highly effective to develop an independent learner and an all-rounder student who is proficient in robotics.

No step-by-step robot building and coding instructions for the students to follow, all depends on how they ‘see’ they can attempt the mission successfully. In the progress, the students will strengthen their: 

Analytical & Computational Thinking

Divergent Thinking

Applying Problem Analysis To Achieve Success

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